And the Tears Fall and the Blessings Flow

Again last night I sat and cried, not that all out balling kind of cry, but that slow trickle of tears falling down a face subdued and heavy with emotion. I miss her. I never knew how much I would. I never realized I would feel such a loss. She is alive and well,  down south  now, soaking up the sun and humidity while fighting off the mosquitos. They play in the pool and pray to make it through the heat of the summer, I pray to make it through mine without her friendship. It is that typical “don’t know what you have until it’s gone” experience; she challenged me in so many ways, inspired me, and encouraged me, not to mention she always made me laugh, not an easy feat, but she managed and she did it without ever trying. She is amazing. I am a bit lonely. But, we are where God wants us. The emails ease some of the hurt, but the hurt reminds me of her absence and her absence reminds me to be thankful, to make the most of every moment, to savor friendship and wallow in the relations God has granted, to count the blessings,  and give my heart over to joy and gratefulness. So, I think of her, of raw milk, of coconut oil, and of blessings and how they flow and I rejoice in the current…

Trips: OK, swimming pools, his progress

Growing, changing, independence... Miracles

WY family

GG, cars, adventures

New Home

County Fair

County Fair

Joy Baby, my Abagail

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1 Response to And the Tears Fall and the Blessings Flow

  1. Cheryl says:


    Your new home is BEAUTIFUL! I haven’t heard the story behind the move. Did you move for a bigger home? It sure looks awesome and I am sure you are totally enjoying it. Praise God for such amazing gifts, like a nice home! I always want to call your sweet boy baby Hallelujah! I can’t remember his name for the life of me. How is he doing? He looks amazing. Totally growing, eh? Is he speaking? Will he eventually be healthy, without medical needs? Love to see all the joy God is bringing in your life.

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